Sep 6Liked by Wes O'Donnell

Russia is caught between a rock and a hard place now. Those new defensive fortifications appear to be focussed on preventing Ukraine from reaching the Kursk nuclear power plant, but does Ukraine really want or need to go there? The Russians can build as many trenches as they want, but they are worth SFA if they do not have the troops to man them.

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Sep 6Liked by Wes O'Donnell

Love your analysis. I don't know where you get such detailed info, but your thinking is spot on.

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I don't know where Wes gets it. I get it from the ISW updates and various people on X like TrentTelenko, Prune602, ChrisO_Wiki and all the various people they link to/repost etc.

On that note I think this winter is going to be miserable for Russians because they are finally hitting the "out of spare parts" problem and Ukraine has been trashing oil refineries and oil storage. And, one assumes, they will also go after electrical infrastructure int he same way Russia did in Ukraine. If the trains grind to a halt in Russia the country is hosed and there are numerous credible reports that that is exactly what is happening

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Sep 6Liked by Wes O'Donnell

Kyiv Post reported today that the Russian offensive stalled about a week ago. It seems even worse than what you suggest.

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Well, that is good news Robert.

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Another ‘Thanks’ from the English Lit major!

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I continue to be astounded at the amazingly poor performance of the Russian military.

Yes, kudos to Ukraine for a great tactical surprise but given Russian propaganda and our defense industry’s propaganda you would that the Russians would have fired an inept commander and then rolled Ukraine in Kursk.

Now, I’m biased having been in a US Infantry Division but boy oh boy, they are sad.

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You need to read Simplicious’s substack and get the facts bub. Ukraine is a goner. Kursk is over, a sideshow.

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One thing Russia seems to do well is to take advantage of our mostly-free press and load it up any way they can with disinformation. X has been full of Russian bots, not that Elon Musk gives a crap about that, but at least our government does seem to be making some effort recently to cut out the phony Russian accounts on social media. Sounds to me that "Simplicious" is just another bot, "bub".

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Another "facts I don't like are russian bots". It's essential to read reports and information from both sides if you want to find out what is really going on.

Far too many commentators and supporters from both sides live in their own little information bubbles.

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And yet, Russia spends untold millions of dollars on disinformation. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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Have you heard of the Western military industrial complex and the vast sums they spend on NGOs, think tanks, and other influence peddlers and spin doctors?

Lol. All governments do it. Dont be naive ..grow up. Anyway it's apparent you are not interested in knowing what's actually going on.. keep those blinkers on.

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Oh that’s silly. You finally escape the basement and waste your time here. Tsk, tsk.

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